Dr. Claudia Pitterle


- Dipl. Betriebswirtin (FH)
- Testamentsvollstreckerin


- Konsumentenverhalten und Entscheidungsfindung


Finanz - und Ruhestandsplanerin

Expertin für:

Finanz– und Nachfolgeplanung, Kundenberatung, Finanz und Versicherungsberatung, Entscheidungsfindung und Entscheidungstheorien


Biases in the German Stock Market Lead to Losses in Returns for Investors! An Overview of The German Investor Culture from the Perspective of Behavioral Economics. Published on 21/07/2022, International Journal of Management and Applied Science (IJMAS), pp. 40-42, Volume-8, Issue-4

How do Doctors Evaluate Insurance for Their Surgery and What Decisions Are Made for or Against Taking out Insurance? International Journal of Management and Humanities (IJMH). Published on 30/03/2021, International Journal of Management and Humanities (IJMH), pp. 9-15, Volume-5 Issue-7, Retrieval Number: 100.1/ijmh.G1249035721, DOI: 10.35940/ijmh.G1249.035721

Consumer Behavior and Decision Making from Officed-based Doctors. A Systematic Literature Review. Published 2022, Journal of Economics and Public Finance, Vol 8, No 1 (2022) DOI: https://doi.org/10.22158/jepf.v8n1p35

HOME-MARKET BIAS! Investment behavoir from the perspektive of behavioral economics in the german stock marketPublished on 20/12/2022, Cross Cultural Management Journal, pp.143-148

Cyberbedrohung in Deutschland – Was tun Sie für Ihr Unternehmen oder Ihre Kanzlei? – FRÜHER PLANEN. www.frueher-planen.de

Raus aus der Bias – für bessere Finanzentscheidungen – FRÜHER PLANEN. www.frueherplanen.de

Beste Strategie für mehr Vermögen Wie Kunden finanziell richtig entscheiden. DAS INVESTMENT. 

Insurance Decisions of Doctors in Private Practice in Germany. Dissertation Research Status and Approach. brunswiksociety.org. 

Cyberbedrohung in Deutschland: Wie können Sie Ihr Unternehmen oder Ihre Kanzlei schützen? PortfolioJournal.

Raus aus dem Bias- Wie Kunden finanziell besser entscheiden. PortfolioJournal


“What do cyber-attacks and pandemics have in common? Some lessons from the German medical practices behaviour”38 th IBIMA international conference, 23-24- November 2021, Seville Spain

“Climate Change, Natural Disasters 2021 And the Impact onInsurance Demand! A Look at Germany from The Perspective of Behavioral Economics”, 39th IBIMA Conference on 30-31 May 2022 Granada, Spain

“Biases in the German stock marked lead to losses in returns for investors! An overview of the German investor culture from the perspective of Behavioral Economics”
Paper ID: SG-BMSS-BELN-040322-1052, International conference on Language, Innovation, Culture and Education (ICLICE) Berlin, Germany on 4th March 2022


The Society for Judgment and Decision Making

